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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

An open letter to my unborn

Hi my darling, my little pumpkin pie. 

You know for sure honey how hard it was for us the first few months. We frequented  to the doctor almost every week because of complications. Nanay had to take extra care with the fear of losing you, and it broke my heart every single day. But I know your 2 lolo's were guarding for your safety just above the heavens. We had a miscarriage scare on our second month, around the same time that your tito was in the hospital too.. Our bedrest meant going back and forth from Lipa to Makati Med for two good weeks, and going to work the soonest possible because our frequent visits to the doctor bore a hole in my pocket.

Inigo at 14 weeks
But it was all worth it, we are finally on our 2nd trimester! :) Nanay saw you kicking yesterday, and I'm starting to really miss you. Seeing you make those killer kicks, were nothing short than amazing!!! Now on our 16th week, you maneuver visibly in my tummy!!! With that I know you are either swimming, or dancing along with Nanay when in the shower! :)The small milestones like seeing your first ultrasound, hearing your heartbeat for the first time, and now wobbling movements in my tummy are by far the best highlights of my life. A life in my tummy, a mini me, my darling little baby! :)

I may have failed in many things, but I will never fail you. I will be a a good mother, despite the lack of maternal instincts--and well bank savings. I will do everything in my will power to provide you with things I was deprived of when I was younger. Hand me down toys, and encyclopedia's were one of the many things I settled for when I was younger, and trust me it wasn't so bad. Lola wasn't around much too because she had to do too many jobs to send her four kids to school. But you don't have to worry about any of that because I will never miss a piano recital, a football game, your graduation, even your first steps. Nanay will not miss any of those, ever.

Forgive me love if I won't shower you with so much luxury. It is very important that you learn the value of simplicity, and hardwork. That no amount of money will buy your happiness. I want you to play under the sun, planting veggies, and agaw-base. The same things nanay grew up with. Piano lessons, drawing class, dance class, basketball, football, you will try them all till you find what you love. Who knows? Maybe you'll love writing too, and be the youngest blogger!!!! =) I just hope it's not a fashion blog dahling. hahaha

I will let you go out and see the world, how cruel people can be, and how it is lovingly designed by our creator. Go out and make adventures of your own, be an architect, a lawyer whatever you want to be.  One day you will grow up as a responsible young man with a firm grip on his decisions.  A gentleman, that's what you'll be. Because your nanay suffered so much to bring you in this world, and I will not let it be known to you how or why. I will not let you see a stain of pain in my face. A strong, and happy mum, that's what I will be to you.

There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for your happiness my Inigo. Know that everyday, for the rest of your life. 

Attached in this blog is a vid of your activities inside my womb. Well, most likely.

Love, Your 23 year old, crazy ass dorky mum.

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